Friday 1 April 2016


April Fools Day!
I shall be playing no pranks, not in the mood.
I haven't blogged much whilst in hospital cos I've felt washed out.
Today is home day, and I'm looking forward to getting home, but not looking forward to feeling rough for a few days as the steroids leave me. So if you hear nothing for a while, now you know why. When I'm back on line, you know I'm on the way back up.
I don't feel jocular today, don't feel like joking. Just want to be unattached from my drip, get my radiotherapy assessment (with CT scan) done and go home and be left alone.
I do wish i could say, 'Haha, april fool.....i feel great,' but i really don't.
So im gonna go and wallow in self pity for a while.
Hopefully humour will return soon.