Tuesday 13 December 2016


I really ought to post a blog to let you know how its all going.
Im doing really well.......really well. Far better than my first lot of chemo. It seemed to take forever to recover from that. This time, the treatment was far worse but I've climbed Mount Recovery and even got a flag at the apex!
Its been 6 months since my last lot of treatment and my transplant.
Ive now finished my 6 month course of antibiotics and anti viral tabs which I'm pleased about cos they were big buggers! Im still taking another antibiotic for another 6 months, but even though they taste disgusting, they're a lot smaller.
Ive watched a line grow up my nails as the months have passed. Its across all finger nails and obviously chemo induced. Don't know about toe nails, i haven't got close enough to check. Its taken 6 months for the line to race to the finishing post and now its passed through the ribbon my nails are chipping and cracking and splitting. Ive taken to wearing gel polish to protect them so I'm looking quite snazzy!
The brows and lashes have returned, in fact they returned very quickly. They only thinned but the brows went very pale in colour. Now, again, almost 6 months to the day, the lashes are dropping like leaves in the fall. I have a few normal ones on the outer top lids, which looks remarkably odd, but lots of new ones starting to grow, so in about 3 or 4 weeks i should look absolutely stunning!!!
The hair!!! Oh my word. Its silver. Im now a silver fox. And its grown back really really curly. Im now looking so much like Tom Jones people are throwing their knickers at me in the street!
Im having my first trim next week. Just the curly bits taken off the back to stop me looking like an old age sheep. So i suppose I'm being sheared.
Im still fat! I have promised to lose a stone by the time i see Dr Jack next time, december 29th! It aint gonna happen. Too many festivities. I shall really have to pull my belt in by the next appointment which should be by the end of march, just as the Easter bunny raises her ugly head.
And I've been trying to give back. During this last lot of treatment i had so many friends offer help. Im very grateful. A friend of mine has been diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma, so i have been supporting him. Ive been taking him to chemo which is quite weird. Im not too keen watching them give him infusions into his PICC line, or hearing the IV alarms 'beeping'. It takes me right back to my treatment. But he has very little support so i feel responsible for him. And he's very grateful.
My head hasn't fully recovered. Im still forgetful, or stupid my son says. I still see the funny side of many things tho. Far too many things.
For example, the other day on FB someone called Debbie Dodds posted about a baby owl.
'Aforable' she mistakenly posted.
With all the D's in her name it tickled me that she couldn't insert the d in adorable.
And of course Christmas is imminent. My tree has been up since mid november. Woe betide anyone who makes comment about it being far too early. Last Christmas was pants!
'You have relapsed, its nothing, yes it is something, no you haven't relapsed, yes you have'....the last 'yes' being on Christmas Eve eve (23rd for those not too good at maths). So i have started the celebrations early this year. I have been taken over by a spirit, well not strictly a spirit. Prosecco! And i have recommenced my mince pie tasting.
To date, and i find it hard to believe it will be surpassed,  the nicest mince pie is from..........(drum roll)...........


I am desperate to go back for more, but what with my impending, 'lose weight, Fatty' appointment with Dr Jack, i think i should decline!
Anyway. I wish you all a merry mince pie Christmas and a happy, healthy, New year.