Saturday 5 March 2016


A flipping top day!
Sharon came a-visiting. I was still in bed and had spilled soup down the front of my oldest but most comfortable, dull grey/light blue dressing gown, after washing it yesterday, so i looked and felt like a slob. But we had a giggle, a whinge,  and put the world to rights.
She buggered off and left me so i thought id have a bath and try and sponge the dirty dressing gown, not very well i might add. Had a bath after taping my Kickman up high cos its not supposed to get wet. I lay there enjoying the warmth with my iPad, playing games and imagining I'm on a deserted beach but without the pina colada, when i received a message from the lovely Kelly offering me her company.
I got myself all sorted and dressed in proper clothes, not a dirty dressing gown and she arrived, armed with Percy Pig sweets (ready for the Voice tonight), yellow tulips, a lovely card and an envelope. An envelope of distinction too. Vellum, it was. I know about vellum, being a scrap booker. Inside was an invitation for a special spa day and afternoon tea from Chris and all my lovely friends at choir. To say I'm touched is an understatement.

After a heavy going couple of weeks, to know people are thinking of me this much is so heart warming. Do you know, i could kiss 'em all. And i have had so many wonderful messages today, it makes my heart swell, not literally of course, that wouldn't be good. Its times like this when i feel my journey is not one i'll be taking alone.
One thing i need to sort before my spa day is my hairy legs! Cos I've waited so long to find out if the Parasite (Hodgkins lymphoma - needed a new name for it for my new blog) is definitely back, since last september/october, I've left the sugaring cos i thought, 'why pay for it when they will more than likely just fall out during treatment,' and 'why suffer the pain when they will fall out pain freely'. Needless to say, I'm like a flipping tarantula. I could scare any arachnophobe. If i got in a swimming pool right now id sink, i'd be waterlogged. 
One minor negative today that i haven't mentioned yet was the arrival of nursey at about 12.30, just after Sharon. They normally come about 4pm. Im able to get myself ready prepped for this daily invasion. Bathed, dressed, tummy bared and clutched in the hope it will not hurt.  Did none of these things. I was still in the grotty dressing gown, hair not even brushed. Luckily she had a mop of hair that didn't look that much better than mine. She was an older lady, older than the other nurses that is. She was a similar age to me.......have i just described myself as an older lady? And it seems she was working at Poole Hospital roughly the same time as me, we worked on the same ward but different times, and we had a flipping good reminisce about nursing and how its changed, and people we both knew. Ooh it was such good fun. 
So i had the dressing gown on, with the soup stain, a camisole top on that seems to hold my Kickman in place, otherwise it dangles precariously and can be tugged on when least expecting it. And underwear...phew! I bared my tummy to her as she pointed the large injection into the air and scarily removed any air bubbles. 'Which side?' she asked. 'Take your pick.' I replied.
Manoeuvring her way around my bruises, she found a clearing, and bang! She was in. She injected......far too quickly for my liking, and pulled out, swabbing the area. 
It looks remarkably like an ordnance survey map now. 

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww bless you hun. I know where you are coming from the injection sites - get like that with the drug thinning jab to prevent clots - I have to have them 2x a day and you know how painful they are - I can't imagine how painful yours are but, as we know, the slower the injection is, usually the less painful they are.
    I'm glad you are having people visiting and keeping you company.
    I am a little precarious re my health so I need to be staying away from you, ATM. I had a manageable asthma attack after my walk today.
    It's lovely reading you blog - I had to laugh at the part where you said about the soup on your dressing gown. :). I always say that people have to take me as they find me lol. Hugs and Kissess x xxx
