Saturday 5 March 2016


Welcome to the launch of my new blog. It will be carrying on from where i left off on the last one, unfortunately aliens have invaded that one so i need a new name. I am still the boss, in case you were wondering.
Sixth day out of hospital and I'm feeling good ish.
Im feeling a lot happier following the end of an issue, i hope!
With regards my health, i have not much to say! Which i suppose is good. Im still having daily jabs. Its supposed to be 3 of them, but they have started removing the empty syringe and adding the next one whilst the needle is protruding from my bruised tummy. Only one jab = result! Today was suture removal from my Kickman line. I was happy to hear the stitch was blue, at least it went with my eyes. The said line was also due a flush to keep it happy. Attempts were made to remove blood first, which didn't happen out of either lumen (2 tubes), but administering saline and then heparin (a blood thinner) went without a hitch. My worry is that I'm visiting the Medical Investigation Unit on monday wednesday and friday for bloods. I presume i don't go to the path lab because of all the potential bugs and bacteria floating around. Or maybe its cos I'm special! If they can't get blood they may fiddle with it, and i don't like fiddling!
The nurses have been great. Ive found i have mutual friends with them, which is quite comforting. And they all seem to have a sense of humour so a few giggles are also injected into the visit. I think i was even offered a colonic irrigation yesterday!
Another issue for me is ringing in the ears. Very short lived, maybe 5 seconds at a time. I think this is something i need to keep an eye on, i will mention it on my next visit to hospital. Im hoping it will lessen. And talking about eyes, i have developed a twitchy eye. I doubt anyone else can see it, and its not continuous. Thinking about it, i hope others can't see it. They may think I'm winking at them.
Food.  I'm still having vegetable soup and cheese and crackers, but the last couple of days i had pasta with sauce and cheese and i noticed how bloated i felt afterwards, really uncomfortable. I really enjoyed it but i can tell the difference when i don't have carbs. Today i may take a trip out to buy some veg and fish. It will be my first time out of the house since my return from hospital, and I'm not even feeling stir crazy!
Im getting quite excited at the thought!

1 comment:

  1. It's good to hear you sounding so positive in your writing.
    It's a shame aliens attacks your last blog - people can be so bloody insensitive and self. I hope you did get out.
    We sound similar at times as I went out today, Mother's Day. I walked to the shop as I fancied some chocolate (first time in ages). I hope your walk went better than mine lol.
    I so admire you writing a blog. I really wish, sometimes, that I had the patience to write one.
    Love and hugs to you xx
