Monday 13 June 2016


Today i received the news I've been waiting for. Im neutropenic. That means i have no neutrophils, nothing to fight off any infections. This is the time i will start to feel rough but its the means to an end. I am now waiting for my bloods to recover so i can go home!  That won't be in the next week unfortunately. This is also the time i am put in isolation. No mixing with germs for me thank you very much. Apparently it is inevitable i will get an infection and they have to act quickly to get it under control. I have my wee tested every day, bloods daily, my temp, pulse, BP and O2 saturation rate every 4 hours in the hope they catch anything sooner rather than later. So this doesnt really sound like good news, but it is.  It means they've achieved what they set out to do, kill my bone marrow, in the hope of killing off any cancer in my body. The other good thing.... my platelets have dropped so much i don't have to have the heparin jabs (used to thin the bloods so as not to form clots) anymore. I flipping hate them jabs. They are painful for such a tiny needle and they turn my tummy into a colour swatch of blues, purples and greens.
Maddy, one of the nurses, has just come into 'stalag 13' and informed me I've been written up for GCSF jabs!
Do you remember these from past blogs of mine? The ones i had 3 of every night to count my stem cells and then again before the harvest. Luckily its only 1 a day, and hopefully it won't be for too long if my bloods start to recover, and that jab should help with that, which should get me home quicker hopefully.
Theres a lot of use of the word hopefully here today!
Ive also been given some Nystatin Suspension to swirl round my mouth and swallow. It smells of almonds, which i love, but cos I'm Mrs Queasy from Queasyville at the mo, I'm a bit wary of trying it.
My mouth is a problem but I'm sure you've heard that before. Its that old devil called mucositis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane from the mouth down to the derriere. Causes no end of trouble. Pain, difficulty in swallowing, indigestion (big problem), nausea and of course the old deli belly.
Anyway, lets see what happens next.

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