Monday 27 June 2016


My time at home has been filled with happiness but also symptoms that i thought had gone. Sadly they have returned. Its only normal. What did i expect after that awful week of chemo? Still onwards and upwards.
My lovely friends have rallied round. Ive had visitors galore. Gifts, mainly food, which is always nice.
Food has been a problem. My mouth doesnt open to its full capacity at the moment. I know that will shock some of you! And there is only certain things i can eat, and keep! Mostly soups. I do have a few portions of cottage pie in my freezer. That has hit the spot on 4 occasions so far, and i still have 4 more to look forward to. Im not too keen on sweet stuff. Although a rhubarb crumble has gone down a treat with some custard.
Drinking has been the biggest problem. I can't drink water. Absolutely can't do it. Tea and coffee have also left the building. Hot chocolate, half a cup at a push. And my recent liquid 'amuse bouche' is honey and lemon. I can't taste it as normal so I'm sure if anyone else tasted it they would probably suck their cheeks in at the sharpness of it.
It is all getting better slowly tho.
Well let me tell you about yesterday. All my troubles seemed so far away.....
Kickman line removal day.
I had a long wait until doctor Matt came to prep the area (anaesthetise it) ready for Dr Jack to come and pull my line. He normally pulls my leg!
Dr Fenella arrived and grabbed hold and pulled. And pulled. And pulled and pulled. But it was going nowhere. She warned me if a little bit breaks off it could go into my circulatory system and i would have to go to X-ray or ultrasound for them to find it, maybe from the femoral area. It can't stay in there.
She pulled again, and it snapped off.
She grabbed hold of the end (under the skin) so it couldn't be sucked in and Dr Jack was summoned urgently.
The cavalry.
NOW they anaesthetised me. Dr Matt had intended doing it but was told it wasn't needed!
Dr Jack tried to get hold of the end under the skin. It had shredded somewhat.
He decided to try the centre hoping to pull one end through and then the other end through. More anaesthetic.
It seemed my body had adhered itself all the way along the line from top to bottom so no amount of pulling was gonna shift it.
Blood spurted in my face. I was tugged at.  More anaesthetic. Different cut through packs. Scalpels. Forceps (hanging on the part of my line so it didn't disappear). It was not nice. Slits along my chest. Sutures needed, for removal in 7 days. Extra anti biotics.
Then hurrah, the top part of the line came free after slicing up the sides. It wasn't too much longer before the bottom half came out.
And all the way through it Dr Jack entertained me with his smart ass remarks and humour. As usual, he was lovely, as was Matt and Fenella.
At one stage i remember commenting on my scars and Dr Jack replied, 'i like a woman with scars.' I absolutely roared with laughter which was dodgy cos i was trying to keep still.
So stitched up like a kipper i was able to escape.
All in all, a really stressful procedure was lightened by humour.

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